Copyswede in English
We will create a richer cultural life together
Copyswede is an important part of Swedish cultural life. We ensure that creators of culture are remunerated by having a great licensing model for the use of audiovisual works.
We are specialists within this particular area and our in-depth legal expertise and committed employees enable us to complete our work efficiently and smoothly. What makes us special is our focus on the collective management of rights.
We are a cooperative economic association and are owned by 14 member organisations that represent Swedish authors and performers. On their behalf, we coordinate, license and distribute revenues to rightholders.
Hundreds of rightholders entitled to revenues might be involved in just one television production. Together with our member organisations and collaborative partners, we can often offer blanket licences for use of television in different contexts. We also ensure that rightholders are compensated for the private copying being carried out.
Our customers are operators that want to reuse television and radio, together with importers and retailers within the electronics industry. They enter into agreements with us, as the body representing rightholders.
The Copyright Act and applicable EU legislation regulate how we operate. The Swedish Intellectual Property Office monitors whether our work is being carried out in compliance with the law. The protection of copyright, our close link to cultural life and a strong sense of cohesion characterise our organisation and the 25 employees working on a daily basis to further enrich Sweden’s cultural life.
Retransmission – TV channels
Find TV channels licensed by Copyswede.
The Private Copying Levy
Read more about private copying, the private copying levy and e-reporting.
Read our annual and transparency report.
Member organisations
The Union of Broadcasting Organisations in Sweden (Ubos)
Ubos exercises a coordinating role primarily on behalf of Nordic public service TV corporations and TV-companies from other countries and language areas.
The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, Swedish Group (Ifpi)
Ifpi represents the recording industry.
The Swedish Film Producers’ Rights Federation (FRF)
The main activity of FRF is the collection and distribution of remuneration to film producers for retransmission by cable of film works.
Contact us
This is how you get in touch with us.