Products & Levy Rates

In accordance with a ruling by the European Court of Justice, the private copying levy is not a subject for VAT.

Computers, tablets and game consoles with storage memory bigger than 2 GB

From 1 November 2020SEK 1 per GB with a cap of SEK 75

Mobile phones with built-in and accompanying storage memory > 2 GB

From 1 November 2020SEK 1 per GB, with a cap of SEK 75

Storage memories with storage memory > 2 GB

From 2020-11-01 (all storage memories).

Memory capacityCompensation/unit
2 – 7 GBSEK  2
8 – 16 GBSEK 6
17 – 256 GBSEK 12
257-1024 GBSEK 24
1024 GBSEK 30

Set-top boxes, etc. with storage memory from 1 GB

MP3 players, MP4 players, DVD players (including Bluray) with built-in HDD, televisions with built-in HDD

From 1 November 2020SEK 1 per GB, with a cap of SEK 120

Blank media

Recordable CD and DVD discs

ProductMemory capacityCompensation/unit
cd-rAll up to 900 MBSEK 0,60
cd-rwAll up to 900 MBSEK 0,95
dvd-r/+r4,7  GBSEK 2,65
dvd-rw/+rw4,7  GBSEK 4,25
dvd-ram4,7 GBSEK  4,25
dvd-r/+r double layer8,5 GBSEK  4,80

Analogue audio cassettes (C cassettes), VHS cassettes (E cassettes), minidisc and CD-R audio (per minute tariff):

ProductCompensation per minute
C cassettesSEK 0.025
MinidiscSEK 0.02
CD-R audioSEK 0.02